The Fight Against NCDs Through digitalization

Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) pose a significant global health challenge, affecting millions every year. These conditions include diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and respiratory diseases. The cause of NCDs are many and often result from a combination of genetic, physiological, environmental, and behavioral factors and are a big concern in low-and-middle income countries. According to the WHO Deaths from NCDS are predicted to rise to 52 million by 2030, 80% of these will be in low-and-middle income countries. To combat NCDs it is necessary to have a comprehensive approach that emphasizes preventive care, patient empowerment, and enhanced health provider efficiency. As technology within healthcare improves, the world is better geared towards fighting the rise of NCDs. But much of the prevalent technology hasn’t found its way to the low-and-middle income countries, for instance digital patient journals. This article will focus on how digital patient journals can increase preventive care, empower patients and healthcare provider efficiency. 

Preventive care - a proactive approach 

When it comes to preventing NCDs it is not just about treatment - It’s about proactive healthcare strategies. Much too often, low-and-middle income countries lack the healthcare infrastructure and tools to have sufficient patient data available for the healthcare provider to make informed decisions and spot early warning signs for NCDs. The reason for this is often caused by an analogue approach to patient journals, where pen-and-paper journals are the norm. Analogue patient journals have a higher risk of data loss, especially in low-and-middle income countries, where the citizens are often on the move and visit a lot of different clinics. The lack of sufficient patient data makes it extremely hard for healthcare providers to diagnose and implement preventive measures combating NCDs. 

With a digital patient journal platform, the health data is always accessible on digital devices, and even though the patients themselves might not have access to digital devices, the clinic can access their medical information through cloud-stored services. This ensures that the healthcare professional has all of the health information available to identify early warning signs, recommend preventive measures like lifestyle adjustments and screenings, and monitor progress over time. By implementing a digital infrastructure for patient journals and promoting preventive care strategies, individuals can also be empowered to manage their health effectively, reducing the burden of NCDs on healthcare systems. 

Patient empowerment 

In order to effectively combat NCDs patients need to want to make a change. Therefore, It is a necessity to empower patients to actively engage in their health management. Giving them access, ownership and more importantly the want to make the necessary changes. Digital patient journals invite the patient to be a part of their health journey and can provide user-friendly interfaces for accessing health records, track medication, monitor their vital signs, and most importantly - take action.  

By giving patients access and available healthcare data and information, it empowers patients to make informed decisions and collaborate with healthcare professionals. Furthermore, as digital platforms grow and more educational resources are put into them along with personalized health insights, the patients have access to the knowledge and tools for managing their NCD. 

Healthcare provider efficiency 

As much as the patient needs to want to make the changes, efficient healthcare delivery is paramount, especially in low-and-middle income countries where ressources might be sparse. Digital patient journals, along with providing healthcare professionals the necessary health information, streamlines workflows, reduces paperwork, and facilitates communication. Health updates and a continuous flow of information both within a healthcare organization and to the patient can enhance patient outcomes. 

Through data analytics provided by the digital patient journal, healthcare professionals can focus on delivering personalized care and implement evidence-based practices. 

Digital patient journals is one step towards combating NCDs 

Fostering preventive care, empowering patients, and enhancing healthcare professional efficiency, digital patient journals emerge as a valuable ally in the battle against NCDs. Especially, in low-and-middle income countries where the gap between primary-, secondary- and tertiary care is bigger, digital patient journals bridge the gap. Readying health information and making it accessible, empowering patients and increasing healthcare provider efficiency digital patient journals might be one of the biggest steps low-and-middle income countries can take towards combating NCDs in the future. 

If you wanna know more about other benefits of digital patient journals and how health data collection can improve health outcomes visit this page


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